Q: When did you first join R4R and how did you learn about us?
A: I’m not sure how long it has been! I started my walking journey after I turned 50 and I’m 61 now. I started with the American Heart Association and did my first two half marathons with them. They shut their program down and my friend Tina Lee-Vogt joined R4R. I followed along and I am so happy I did!
Q: Describe yourself in 25 words or less.
A: I’m a caretaker. Whether it is using my time, my creative energy, or just using humor to make a difference.
Q: What’s your very favorite “Movin’ into Life” activity and why?
A: My favorite activity is the kinship before, during and after the walk.
Q: If you were a vegetable, what would you be and why?
A: I would be broccoli – it is versatile, and did you know if you let it grow each little “seed” on a broccoli head turns into a beautiful yellow flower. I’m versatile and if you let me grow, I will absolutely try and bring a little beauty to the world.
Q: What has been your most unusual or interesting job?
A: I wouldn’t call it unusual, but it was absolutely interesting! I worked many years for an amazing political campaign consultant. I opened campaign offices, managed GOTV programs, and produced all that political mail you hate. There are too many stories to share in a newsletter, but maybe sometime over a beer.
Q: What’s something most people don’t know about you?
A: I used to move into life by belly dancing. Not the glittery, scantily clad kind, but what is called tribal belly dance. Lots of jingling bells, hand cymbals (zills), and balancing a sword on my head.
Q: What has been your proudest moment since being a part of the R4R family?
A: Helping with the kids run. I was walking back to the stadium and a few kids were struggling. We crossed the finish line together and they were so excited. The kids were “bigger” like me when I was growing up, and I think this accomplishment and the positive conversation we had may keep them motivated.
Q: How would you describe your Runnin’ for Rhett experience to a child?
A: It’s a team, like your soccer, baseball, softball, or theatre group. We all come together and support each other for fun, friendship and to reach a goal.