
Janet Scott – December 2023

Q: When did you first join R4R and how did you learn about us?

A: We joined R4R during the Urban Cow Blue Crew Training Program. We had met friendly Rhett representatives at the Fourth of July 5k event in Elk Grove and we were excited to see what the group was all about.

Q: You and your kids, Carole and Toby, have participated in a number of activities and races. How are they enjoying the races and what do you believe is the greatest benefit they receive as a result of their participation?

A: My kids love to participate in meetups and races where they see other R4R members!! We have so much fun and the best part is that the exercise is good for all of us. Seeing them make and achieve goals is beneficial in so many ways. Also, through the meetups, we have explored several Elk Grove trails that we never knew about. We have also learned about important warm-up exercises and training techniques.

Q: How has being a part of Runnin’ for Rhett made a difference in your life?

A: Toby has always loved running. When he was younger, he would chase me all over our property running behind the mower. Last year, he had some health issues and even though his pediatrician and physical therapist advised I should let him run, I just wanted to keep him home safe and sedentary. Persistent Toby kept pleading with me to sign him up for races and after watching him participate, Carole was excited to participate too. 

I have never liked running, but in the last year I picked it up to keep a watch on the kids. R4R has made a huge difference in my life, as I am having a great time.  I feel like I am not alone, and others are watching my kids too. When we see R4R shirts out on our runs or at an event, we feel so welcome. What a difference that makes in our lives to be part of a family of friends who support each other.

Q: What’s something most people don’t know about you?

A: I have lived in Wilton for over 20 years. We have lots of critters; horses, turtles, chickens, dogs, and feral cats. It is a zoo! Since the past year, we have the privilege of living with my parents too. Somehow, we don’t think my parents actually know how many critters are living among them!

Q: What has been your proudest moment since being a part of the R4R family?

A: Watching the kids meet their goals is so amazing!!! I am so proud of both of them. I love seeing the kids cross the finish line. This year we have done a lot of firsts together; including, our first 10k and half marathon. They both asked for running related gifts for Christmas, so I know they are truly enjoying this journey and I know it helps that they feel so welcome by everyone we meet. 

Q: How would you describe your Runnin’ for Rhett experience to a child?

A: We would tell them R4R is a blast and great for the whole family! You don’t have to run to participate, you can keep moving by walking or riding too.

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