
Jeannie Galarpe – April 2023

Q: When did you first join R4R, and how did you learn about us?

A: I joined Runnin’ for Rhett in 2011, and I learned about the program through a co-worker who also knew Beth Seevers. I’ve known Beth since Rhett was a baby as Beth and I shared a common passion – scrapbooking. We were a part of the same scrapbooking group and traveled to many events together. We go way back!

Q: How did you get started trail running, and what do you enjoy most about it?

A: I started trail running approximately three years ago when I was convinced by Tammi Kerch and Rebecca Gordon that once you start trail running, you will never look back! And for the mere fact that trail running is FUN!  Yes, they were right! Sacramento has some of the most gorgeous trails available to us and running through nature’s beauty adds that extra element that is very therapeutic. I also believe that running on dirt is so much better for my body as I mature.

Q: If one of our members is interested in trying out trail running, how do you recommend they get started?

A: First off, I would advise them to get fitted for proper trail running shoes. Unlike road running shoes, trail running shoes are built to take on rugged, uneven ground, and to protect your feet from debris and unstable terrain. Once they’re equipped with this, then we discuss next steps, such as trail locations, group runs, and possible other gear needed. Most of all, I would tell them that Runnin’ for Rhett’s Rock n Root Crew offers a lot of support and encouragement to begin trail running. It’s a must try for everyone at all levels!

Q: Describe your proudest moment since being a part of the Runnin’ for Rhett family.

A: I’ve had many proud moments since being a member for 11+ years, so it’s hard to pick just one. I served in many capacities since 2011 such as committee member, volunteer, and lead roles in various events. If I had to pick just one, I would say completing the 2014 Lucky 13 Half Marathon in Davis with my youngest son Brandon and my husband Bill. It was their first half marathon, and their original pacer wasn’t available that day so I ended up pacing them to the finish line, and this was one week after I had completed a marathon!  A proud moment for sure and a memory I will have for a lifetime. My son thanked me at the finish line and of course, that just melted my heart.

Q: What’s something most people don’t know about you?

A: One thing most people don’t know about me is that my real name is Jean, not Jeannie. Jeannie is my nickname that my mom gave me since I was little. Not quite sure why she just didn’t name me Jeannie to begin with — miss and love you mom!!

Q: You’ve participated in various Ragnar events and coordinated a couple of Rhett groups for these events. How do you best describe Ragnar for someone that has never participated?

A: Ragnar is a relay style race in which you will gather seven or more of your crazy friends to join you as you collectively complete approximately 120 running miles in a 24+ hour timespan! Sleep is overrated, so be prepared to get none and be prepared to have loads of fun!

Q: If you were a vegetable, what would you be and why?

A: If I had to choose to be a vegetable, I might pick the carrot. Carrots are so versatile as they can be prepared in many ways and in many dishes such as soups and carrot cake, just to name a few. Carrots are easy snacks too. Since the carrot can serve as many functions in a dish – sweet, savory, bright, and earthy. I feel that I’m similar in character and can adapt to any situation.

Q: How would you describe your Runnin’ for Rhett experience to a child?

A: I always express to my two adult sons that exercise in general is great for the body, mind, and soul. Keeping your heart, lungs, and body strong is important as we age. Running just happens to be my happy place, but I would certainly advise any child, not just my own children, that exercise in general, no matter their sport, is another key ingredient to staying healthy.

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