Q: When did you first join R4R and how did you learn about us?
A: I joined last summer just before the Fall training kick-off. I was going to do NYC and CIM back-to-back and I needed a good training plan that wouldn’t kill me. Luckily, Coach Dave listened to my ask (only running four days a week!) and developed a plan for me. Dave is such a warm and supportive coach! I’m so grateful for his coaching. I knew about R4R as my running friend used to be a member and trained with the group. Also at any local running races, I’ve seen the blue tent and runners with a blue crew T shirt, so I knew about the organization for a while.
Q: Congratulations on doing two marathons within a relatively short timeframe. What did you enjoy about it and can you share any words of wisdom for someone considering doing the same?
A: My word of wisdom is “Don’t!” Just kidding. I did a similar thing in the past, I ran the Tokyo marathon in 2019 and within 6 weeks, I ran the Boston marathon. But this time (NYC marathon then CIM) was much harder because the weather in NYC was horrible (hot and humid for early November), then I fell during the training run two weeks before CIM and hurt my shoulder. But I can tell you that what I enjoyed about it is to train with my running peeps. It would be so hard to train by myself but with a group of people who have the same goal, it is fun and doable. When I asked Coach Dave for my training plan, I told him the NYC marathon would be a “long long” run because I didn’t want to race, I wanted to race in CIM. So if you are going to do back-to-back races, make sure only one race would be a real “race” to avoid injuries.
Q: What inspired to start running and when did you complete your first marathon?
A: I had gestational diabetes and was told there’d be 30% chance I’d develop regular diabetes if I didn’t exercise. I thought running would be the easiest (and cheapest) way to start exercise, little did I know! Anyway, I love SF Giants, and there’s a running event (Giant Race) to finish in their stadium. I thought it’d be so cool to run inside the field, and I entered the 5K race. It led me to run a 10K, Half, then eventually a full marathon at CIM in 2015. Now I’m aiming for the Abbott World Marathon Majors completion. I’ve run Chicago, NYC, Boston, and Tokyo so far. I’ll run London and Berlin in the next few years. Who wants to come with me?!
Q: Describe yourself in 25 words or less.
A: Passionate about the environment and human rights (especially women’s), creative wanna-be, energetic but loves to nap, denial hoarder, Ex-Tiger Mom, wants to be “present.”
Q: How do you like to spend your free time? Any hobbies of note
A: I love theatre, baseball, basketball, football, running & travel. My dream vacation would be running in the morning, going to a day game, and attending a theatre at night. I knit and crochet, I need a tutor for knitting socks now!
Q: What’s something most people don’t know about you?
A: My husband and I met in our early teens at a summer camp, and we were pen pals.
Q: If you were a vegetable, what would you be and why?
A: Shishito pepper. Small but has a punch in it.
Q: How would you describe your Runnin’ for Rhett experience to a child?
A: R4R is not just about running but moving into life, and you’ll meet many supportive people during the process. If you want to run hard, you can do it with the members. If you want to walk, you have great company. If you want to crawl in the mud, you can find a partner too. Or just simply enjoy each other’s company. The bottom line is you make your own experience at your own pace.