Q: When did you first join R4R and how did you learn about us?
A: I joined in January 2023. I was looking for a running group to help me train for a 20-mile race and had seen R4R at different races over the years. I believe I saw an ad on Instagram or Facebook, reviewed the training program, and decided to join!
Q: This year you ran your longest race, 20 miles, and are participating in your first Spartan Beast in August. What inspired you to try a longer Spartan race and what are you most excited about?
A: I’ve completed a few of the Spartan Sprints over the years and really enjoyed them. At the last sprint I participated in, my friend broke her ankle on the very last obstacle! We wanted to run another one together now that she’s healed, so we will be running our first Spartan Beast in August!
Q: What’s your very favorite “Moving into Life” activity and why?
A: I love to hike! Hiking allows me to see so many places I can only get to on foot. I’ve also made a ton of friends through hiking groups and love going on hiking and backpacking trips with friends. There are so many beautiful places to see. I also enjoy taking lots of wildflower pictures wherever I hike.
Q: What has been your most unusual or interesting job?
A: My first full-time job in Sacramento was at a private investigation company. I worked in the surveillance department transcribing audio files from investigators and compiling reports for clients. It was mostly for workers comp insurance so not quite as exciting as you might think, but there were some interesting things caught on video!
Q: What’s something most people don’t know about you?
A: I have a soft spot for maligned critters like possums, bats, snakes, spiders, etc. I volunteer with the Yolo Basin Foundation during the summer for their bat walk and talks, where we educate people about the important role bats have in our ecosystem and then watch the bats fly out from the causeway at sunset.
Q: You will be joining at least 16 other Runnin’ for Rhett members in training for the CIM this year. With this being your first marathon, how can Runnin’ for Rhett best support you?
A: I think moral support will be most important for me, haha! One thing I love about R4R is all the encouragement and motivation from members.
Q: What has been your proudest moment since being a part of the R4R family?
A: Finishing a 20 mile trail race and having fun while doing it! It was the farthest I ever ran, and I felt like I even had a few more miles in me. The blueberry pancakes at the aid station must have helped. 🙂
Q: If you were a vegetable, what would you be and why?
A: A parsnip – a little unusual and a little spicy.
Q: How would you describe your Runnin’ for Rhett experience to a child?
A: R4R is about having fun, making new friends, and learning new things to help you build an active lifestyle.