Q: When did you first join R4R and how did you learn about us?
A: First learned about R4R through the youth fitness program when my daughter was in 2nd grade. She is now in her 2nd year of college. Joined the Blue Crew in the summer of 2017 when I found out about the Adult fitness program in the R4R newsletter. Unfortunately, I had to stop running 3 months in due to my son’s injury. Thanks to Lakshmi, I’ve returned, eager to move into life with this amazing community!
Q: How has running positively impacted your child with special needs? How can others help to support this effort?
A: My son, Kyle, who has special needs, participates in races organized by Ainsley’s Angels of Sacramento. Taking part in these events always fills him with excitement and joy, especially when the racing chariot starts moving. Among the limited pleasures he experiences in life, being outdoors and moving are at the top of the list.
Q: How can others support this effort?
A: You can lend your legs to those who can’t run by volunteering to be an angel runner. For more information and sign up, go to https://ainsleysangels.org/signup/. Ainsley’s Angels of Sacramento is overseen by two true angels on earth, Richard and Ginny King. We participate as duo race teams in road races about once a month in Sacramento and surrounding areas. Our next race with Ainsley’s Angels is the Valentines Run for Justice in February.
Q: What’s your very favorite “Movin’ into Life” activity?
A: So far, trail running. I love the beautiful views and incredible people. I haven’t tried too many activities yet but I’m looking forward to trying pickleball, Tina’s Zumba, and getting my girls involved in Kyle and Jack’s Spartan training.
Q: What was your favorite subject in school?
A: Economics! I had the most amazing economics professor who made the subject truly fascinating. While I was inspired to major in economics, practical considerations led me to choose MIS due to the job market at the time. It’s interesting to see how my children’s interests also shift based on their teachers’ influence. The power of a passionate teacher is truly remarkable!
Q: What has been your most unusual or interesting job?
A: The most unusual job I had in my youth was working as a Relay Operator. In this role, I facilitated telephone conversations between individuals who were deaf, hard of hearing, or speech-impaired and the hearing community. This involved relaying a wide range of conversations, from arguments and drug dealings to courting conversations. I had served as the voice for a very young child chatting with grandparents, a teenager arranging a first date, and wise grandparents giving sage advice.
Q: How do you like to spend your free time? Any hobbies of note?
A: I love learning. Some of my current topics of interest include fasting, permaculture, fermentation, and growing medicinal plants. Lately, I’ve been hooked on making sweet rice wine and Japanese amazake. I utilized matcha amazake to fuel my past two CIMs. Does anyone want to try some amazake?
Q: What’s something most people don’t know about you?
A: I coerced my oldest daughter, a graduating senior at the time, to run the Big Sur 21 miler with me in exchange for paid college tuition. No regrets whatsoever! What could be a better way to spend time with your child than covering 21 miles on the closed-off scenic Highway 1 before they embark on their own journey? Now I need to get my middle one ready to run that distance.
Q: What has been your proudest moment since being a part of the R4R family?
A: The past 18 months had been rough. So, I am very grateful to have been able to cross the finish line at this year’s CIM. Thank you so much to all the R4R members that had made it out to give power-up cheers and high-fives.
Q: If you were a vegetable, what would you be and why? I most resemble an old beet from my garden physically and characteristically. A bit weathered-looking, resilient, acquired taste, but packed with a good amount of nutrients.
Q: How would you describe your Runnin’ for Rhett experience to a child?
A: R4R is a cool group that loves making your heart, brain, and body healthy with lots of fun activities. It’s full of friendly, supportive, kind, fun, and truly awesome folks.