Q: When did you first join R4R and how did you learn about us?
A: I joined R4R in January 2023 but I had seen the baby blue shirts on the bike trail for many years. I learned more from Gina as part of the Women Cycle Sacramento group and it seemed to fit my volunteering goals perfectly.
Q: Describe yourself in 25 words or less.
A: 60-year-old mother of one who enjoys helping others. I am honest, loyal, direct, giving, kind, friendly, and somewhat introverted with bursts of extroversion.
Q: You are a strong supporter of Runnin’ for Rhett through your volunteerism and we thank you! What inspires you to volunteer? In addition to feeling good about giving to others, how do you feel volunteering has been beneficial to you personally?
A: I enjoy helping others, always have. Acts of service are my love language. Volunteering helps me because it forces me to get out and meet people, something at which I do not excel.
Q: How do you like to spend your free time? Any hobbies of note?
A: What is free time? The following keep me very busy: cycling, kayaking, poker, curling, bike officiating, and volunteering with R4R.
Q: What’s something most people don’t know about you?
A: When I lived back east, I ran for public office (City Collector). It was a three-person primary and I lost but received 23% of the vote. Not bad for a nobody.
Q: What has been your proudest moment since being a part of the R4R family?
A: As part of R4R, I don’t have one single moment but more an accumulation of all my Rhett moments. I am proud that I get up and get out to help. Personally, five months after joining R4R, I graduated from college with my Bachelor’s Degree. I am extremely proud of that.
Q: If you were a vegetable, what would you be and why?
A: I think I would be cauliflower because it is has many branches (like me) and it looks like a brain, which, to me, symbolizes intelligence and I think I am fairly intelligent.
Q: What would be your dream come true travel adventure?
A: Easiest question of them all – all expenses paid, first class trip around the world, stopping everywhere that interests me.
Q: How would you describe your Runnin’ for Rhett experience to a child?
A: I work with a group of people (adults and children) who want to make a change in their lives by choosing to be active. I help people be better versions of themselves.