Q: When did you first join R4R and how did you learn about us?
A: In the spring of 2021. I was enjoying returning to the Pickleball courts at Oasis Park when I spied a familiar face from my past. It was Randy, who I went to school with at Albert Einstein Junior High. Kim and I soon invited Randy and Beth over for a BBQ and swim day, and so began our new friendship. I had no idea what R4R was or anything about the blue shirts, but we were happy to help at a Kid Fun Run which sounded like it was for a great cause. We met a lot of really nice people that day and had fun doing some rigorous volunteering. We continued to meet up with Randy & Beth, and I kept getting invites from Randy to come run with the “Blue Crew”. After several careful explanations that “I was not that into running”, I gave in and attended a Saturday meetup. There again, I met a lot of super friendly and encouraging people, whom I could not resist hanging out with, so…. I started running and the rest is history. Basically, I was enticed to join.
Q: This is a tough one. Would you prefer your Blue Crew to call you Robert or Bob?
A: “Bob” always works. It kind of just allows me to relax and let my hair down, ya know?! But “Robert” on occasion is also very nice because it sounds so “BMOC” (Big Man On Campus!), right?
Q: What’s your very favorite “Movin’ into Life” activity?
A: I’ve always loved Pickleball, since way before my R4R life. I think the new activity that I’m really digging because of R4R is Trail Running. It’s kind of like speed hiking. You’ve gotta pick every step quickly and carefully. I dig that “technical” aspect of it, and I love being out with friends on the trail.
Q: Being relatively newly retired, and your wife just retiring, what words of wisdom can you share with Randy and any anyone planning their retirement?
A: Be sure to Smell The Roses! As fantastic as it looks and as much as we all long for it … it can be a weird transition. You’re immediately confronted with the option of doing anything and everything on your bucket list or maybe just doing absolutely nothing. I would steer for some middle ground. Figure out your new routines for fitness, socialization, productivity, adventure, and a creative outlet. But don’t over do it! You’ve worked long and hard for this and you’ve earned the right to take breaks and just breathe in that sweet smell of “freedom!”. Oh, And… “dance more and stress less!”
Q: How do you like to spend your free time? Any hobbies of note?
A: I really like being sports active. When able, I prefer to be dinking, running, cycling, skiing, fishing, golfing, disc golfing, or swimming, etc. Unfortunately, with age comes some curveballs (i.e. unexpected injuries right when you don’t want them), so you gotta learn to be flexible and be diligent about your recovery. Think long term! When my sports are limited, I love that I can grab my guitar and play. It’s my therapy. I also like to design and build things around home.
Q: What’s something most people don’t know about you?
A: I’m a big soccer fan. I started playing when I was 13, played year-round through my high school years, and got to visit and play in Holland when I was 17. I follow the English Premiership (Go Arsenal!) and the Champions League (in Europe), primarily. Thank God for streaming TV! We saw Real Madrid vs. Sevilla in Spain last October and I’m hoping to see some games in the Bundesliga (Germany), the Premiership, or Serie A (Italy) on future trips.
Q: What has been your proudest moment since being a part of the R4R family?
A: Well… running with my daughter Lindey and grandson Kayden in the Urban Cow 5K (October 2022) was pretty cool, and completing my 1st Half Marathon this March was very invigorating, but my proudest moment was probably earlier this year at Saturday Morning Panera Blue Crew when I got to tell “not how” but “why” the R4R family, and in particular Randy and Beth, inspire me/us to “Move Into Life!”. Good times! (Fist Bump).
Q: If you were a vegetable, what would you be and why?
A: Okay, I don’t know who thought up this question, but it’s not right. I could have easily told a nice story about being an Eagle or a Dolphin instead. I actually had to look up a list of vegetables on the internet to review my options. Here goes….
Being a carrot is a definite consideration because everybody knows how strong they are and they have that really cool green wispy foliage on top. But carrots can’t match the fabulous qualities of my 1st choice, the Orange Bell Pepper. The Orange Bell Pepper is the most beautiful and best-tasting of all the peppers and arguably all of the other vegetables in the garden. It is fresh and juicy with that splash of spice to your tastebuds. It can be sliced for hummus dipping, chopped up for salad tossing, stuffed with burger and cheese to bake, or just yanked out of your backpack and eaten like an apple. Yes, you will get some odd looks from others passing by. But to the really smart, adventurous, inquisitive types… you will be immediately identified as one really cool dude (or dudette as the case may be). Oh, And… they match your SF Giants attire too!
Q: How would you describe your Runnin’ for Rhett experience to a child?
A: Imagine getting to be on a sports team with all of your best friends and there are enough positions for everyone to play the whole game. Everybody is “chill”, just wants to have a great time together, and really wants to see and help you do, and be, your very best. How cool is that?!