
Roland Hyatt – June 2022

Q: When did you first join R4R, and how did you learn about us?

A: I joined R4R back in 2015 after I started coaching for my daughter’s elementary school (Albert Schweitzer).  R4R made a presentation at the PTA meeting about the youth fitness training program.  I had run a few marathons at that point, so it seemed like a good fit to be a coach. 

Q: Describe yourself in 25 words or less.

A: I’m an avid trail ultra-runner, backpacker, hiker, frequent blood donor, and proud single dad of a 16-year-old daughter.

Q: What do you enjoy most about trail running?

A: I love how it combines my love of the outdoors with running. It really is like speed hiking and especially enjoy bouncing through the rocks and splashing through the streams when the opportunity arises. 

Q: Happy Father’s Day! As a father to a teenage daughter, has your Rhett experience made a difference in your parenting and, if so, how?

A: Thank you!  It is a very special day for me on so many levels.  Specifically, having been able to see my daughter participate in the youth fitness program and volunteer at events, it really broadened my horizons towards more community activity and giving more.  I see how it is important to walk the walk more than talk the talk as kids really mimic our actions more than what we tell them. 

Q: What parenting advice would you give a Rhett member with kids or grandkids entering their teenage years to encourage them to ‘Move into Life’?

A: There is a certain impact that one receives hearing about Rhett and the meaning behind ‘Move into Life’. It can’t be overstated enough how important it is for us all and especially the impressionable teenage years to grow towards something bigger than us all.  Planting the seeds is important, and while it may not immediately show fruit, the likelihood is that those kids will be changed and/or benefited from it. 

Q: What’s something most people don’t know about you?

A: I am pretty much an open book, so it is hard to say.  I started running because I disliked it the most.  Seriously avoided anything more than a mile…though I did exercise and ride bikes a lot.  I decided to conquer this running thing as something inside of me wanted to do a marathon.  It wasn’t until watching my friends complete the CIM that I decided to find a way to get across that finish line.  That was in 2012 and 10 years later I’m still running and most recently completed multiple 50k finishes.

Q: If you were a vegetable, what would you be and why?

A: I would be a jalapeño pepper if I was a vegetable.  I’m a little sweet and spicy all at the same time. Corny, for sure, but that’s all I got.

Q: What has been your most unusual or interesting job?

A: I would say working part-time at Halloween City was probably my most interesting job.  Who doesn’t love Halloween with the costumes and decorations?

Q: What is your proudest moment since being a part of the R4R family?

A: My proudest moment was definitely as a coach and father of participants in the RBYC 5K.  Seeing the youth and my daughter finishing and getting their medals was a highlight and a very proud moment.  Doesn’t get any better…

Q: How would you describe your Runnin’ for Rhett experience to a child?

A: My experience with Runnin’ for Rhett has been a little bit like Christmas. The wonderful gift of giving and receiving mixed with great friends and family. 

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