Q: When did you first join R4R and how did you learn about us?
A: I learned about R4R on Facebook when Lindsay shared a Meetup in April of this year.
Q: You’ll be running the CIM this year and while it’s not your first marathon this one will be unique with your role as a sweeper. What made you decide to sign up to be a sweeper? What do you anticipate will be the greatest challenge?
A: The race was full and I saw an opportunity to run since I had been training. Even though I have never been a pacer, I do know that I can be steady and slow so I thought I would be a good fit.
Q: What’s been your most interesting job?
A: Medical assisting for a hematologist/oncologist.
Q: How do you like to spend your free time? Any hobbies of note?
A: I like to go camping and recently got a small travel trailer. I also enjoy wine tasting and going for hikes.
Q: What’s something most people don’t know about you?
A: I like to sew and quilt.
Q: Besides running, what other ‘Movin’ into Life’ activities do you enjoy?
A: I do Pilates 3 days a week while I am training for a run and try to do more when I’m not running as much.
Q: If you were a vegetable, what would you be and why?
A: A radish because they are full of spice.
Q: How would you describe your Runnin’ for Rhett experience to a child?
A: I get to go enjoy and run and hang out with people who also enjoy running and having fun.