
Weather Policy


At Runnin’ for Rhett, we work with our athletes year round, whether it’s an active training season or a “stay fit” session. This means you may be working out in all sorts of weather. We ask you to come prepared for the current elements and we encourage you to use your best judgement. If at any time you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, you should continue your workout at another time.

Extreme Heat

When temperatures are over 90° F, athletes are encouraged to use caution, hydrate, and take things slow. When temperatures are over 100° F, outdoor workouts will be cancelled, rescheduled, or moved inside. Saturday morning workouts will always start at 8am so that the group is able to meet together for announcements and community building.


Outdoor workouts will continue to be held until air quality at the location is above 150 AQI, in which case, the workout will be cancelled, rescheduled, or moved inside. High risk groups should use caution and move their workout inside when the AQI is over 100.


We will continue to meet in cold temperatures. Layers and gloves are recommended. Bring a change of clothes and a jacket for after the workout.


We will continue to meet in the rain. Dress for the temperature and bring a dry change of clothes for after the workout.


If lightning is present within 6 miles (30 seconds or less from flash to thunder) of a workout, the workout will be cancelled, rescheduled, or moved inside. It is recommended that you wait 30 minutes after the last audible thunder to resume outdoor activity.

**We encourage athletes to use their best judgement. If at any time you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, you should not continue your workout. **