About Us
Our Story
Rhett Seevers was born on February 7, 1997. His proud parents, Beth and Randy Seevers brought home their bundle of joy to join their family of four. At four months, they were devastated by the news that their little boy had severe cerebral palsy and would face a life full of challenges. They dove in headfirst and learned all they could about his disabilities. On March 13, 2004, after 7 years of full-time care, love, and devotion, Rhett passed away at home unexpectedly with his family by his side.
In the spring of 2005, as the anniversary of Rhett’s death approached, a friend of Beth’s introduced her to running. She learned of the 1st annual Shamrock’n ½ marathon. It was ironically being held on the first anniversary of Rhett’s passing. Completing the run was such an inspiration to Beth. The following year, she asked that her friends and family join her. Join her they did; 35 additional friends and family donned the first baby blue running shirts that year. In the spring of 2007, with the addition of an organized training group, over 125 people participated in the race.
On December 7, 2007, the “Runnin’ for Rhett Non-Profit” was founded. The organization has now inspired 1000’s of youth and adults in the Sacramento area.
In Rhett’s short life, he inspired many people with his infectious smile and will to live, but with his challenges, he could not walk, run or jump – no matter how hard he tried. After Rhett’s death, Beth and Randy dedicated their memory of Rhett to utilizing FITNESS and MOVING to help others do what Rhett wanted to do so badly but couldn’t.
Our goal is to LET RHETT’S STORY INSPIRE those who feel defeated, UPLIFT those who feel down and ENCOURAGE ALL TO take that first step, as Beth did in the spring of 2005, and MOVE INTO LIFE.
Mission: To inspire people to Move Into Life.
Vision: Nurturing healthy communities through fitness and nutrition.
“…I’m not sure if it’s as a mother or maybe just a human being – but to see Randy and Beth cross the finish line, hand-in-hand, together really touched me – it made me tear up. I admire your love, strength and commitment. Go Rhett!”
“…This was truly one of the best experiences that I have had. To be able to leave the week behind and get out with a group of people each Saturday morning that were moving into life was just great.
“…I’ve run with “Team and Training” a couple of times, and I never felt so comfortable, energetic, excited and connected as I did with Runnin’ for Rhett. Each Saturday, I so looked forward to Randy’s gathering, Beth’s warm smile, the team’s encouraging “good job” as we passed one another and of course Rhett’s blessing of good weather. You’ve really bestowed a gift to me, and again, thank you.”
“…It was my thoughts of Rhett and his inability to walk at all that helped me finish. I knew Rhett was walking with us and helped us cross the finish line and once we finished, I could feel him clapping for me. We miss him terribly and it’s times like Sunday that helps us to know he is watching over us.”
“Although we did not know Rhett, his spirit was definitely present and felt during race day. My husband, children and I were all proud to be a part of this event. You are special people and your enthusiasm to motivate people to survive life by getting outdoors, exercising and being among friends is a wonderful way to commemorate your son’s extraordinary life.”
“My son, Rhett, never knew failure. He, like thousands of other children with special needs, never knew what he was capable of. He lived day to day requiring constant care just to move or to feed himself. He didn’t have the choice of whether or not he wanted to get off their couch and move into life. You have that choice and you made it. Rhett would be proud of each of you.
The high you are feeling now and the super high you’ll feel tomorrow can remain with you all year long. Keep that feeling by giving something back to those who can’t run with you. … Ask just one friend…seriously, ask 1,000 friends…to get into shape, to support a great cause…to move into life. … Thank you for being part of my son’s life. RUN ON FOR YOU….RUN ON FOR RHETT!!!”
“…I am so thrilled to be joining the Runnin’ for Rhett inspirational movement. I have a 20 year old daughter that also has Cerebral Palsy. I know the laugh and the infectious smile well and am so thankful, daily, for my daughter. I am also a teacher and am so moved by your scholarship program.”
“…Yesterday as I was passing other “Runnin for Rhett” shirts, we’d all yell out, Go Rhett! As I was going home I realized that we were Rhett’s legs, which he never had a chance to use here on earth. I definitely plan on doing this again next year.”
“…from 6 Runnin’ for Rhett runners from Travis AFB, thank you for supporting special education teachers and their efforts as they work with children that have special needs.”
Sponsors & Partners
We appreciate each and every one of our sponsors and partners. Without them, we couldn’t do what we do for the children in our Youth Fitness Program. You can support us by supporting them!